Winter Semester 2023
Undergraduate courses, Islamic University of Technology, Department of CSE, 2023
The beginning of my teaching career. I only had around 48 hours to prepare myself to teach in this semester. I don’t know if I did a good job as a teacher, but I tried my very best to carry out my duties as responsibly as I could. As someone with little to no pedagogical experience, my rule of thumb was to be like a teacher that I wish I had back when I was a student.
Math 4543: Numerical Methods
Taught my first ever set of students, SWE-20.
Course Materials and Resources: Google Classroom.
Math 4544: Numerical Methods Lab
Python implementations of the topics taught in Math 4543.
Course Materials and Resources: Google Classroom for SWE A and Google Classroom for SWE B.
CSE 4304: Data Structures Lab
Lab instructor for CSE-21. Authored classified problem statements for lab tasks, tests, and assignments.
Course Materials and Resources: Confidential, for obvious reasons.
CSE 4308: Database Management System Lab
Lab instructor for SWE-21.
Course Materials and Resources: Confidential, for obvious reasons.
SWE 4304: Software Project Lab I
Supervised Team Voyager consisting of Adib Sakhawat Shuvro, Takia Farhin, and Tahsin Islam Rayshad.
Their project repository: MathVoyage.